Data Protection & IT Security Consulting for the Logistics Industry:
Are your data security measures up to date?
- Protect your sensitive personal data from cyber attack with a strong and effective information security strategy.
Make sure you comply with privacy regulations, such as those for video surveillance and GPS tracking.
Avoid legal consequences and gain the trust of your customers and business partners.
- Data Protection & IT Security Consulting for the Logistics Industry:Are your data security measures up to date?
- Expert consulting for logistics: Innovative, digital and customised
- Your logistics data protection challenges: We can help
- ISiCO: Benefit from our experience in logistics consulting and innovative solutions
- Data protection in logistics: Ensure security right from the start with ISiCO
Expert consulting for logistics: Innovative, digital and customised
We have many years of logistics consulting experience and highly specialised industry expertise. We offer practical approaches and tailored solutions that combine the tried and tested with innovation. We provide digital and location-independent consulting that is geared to your individual needs. ISiCO’s experts can provide you with comprehensive advice and help you to design your business processes in line with data protection requirements.
Your logistics data protection challenges: We can help
We can help you with all the information security and data protection challenges you face in the logistics industry. These can be many and varied:
- Sharing personal data with other carriers and storage companies
- Customer service in the form of shipment status or parcel notifications
- Equipping vehicles with GPS systems
- Accurate, real-time tracking of objects, which also makes it possible to pinpoint the exact location of staff
- Ensuring compliance with employee data protection rules, in particular with regard to the use of sensor technology, real-time monitoring and mobile devices
ISiCO: Benefit from our experience in logistics consulting and innovative solutions
- Extensive consulting experience in the logistics industry
- Highly specialised and industry-specific expertise
- Practical approach and tailored solutions that combine the tried and tested with innovation
- Digital and location-independent consulting – or if you prefer, at your premises or at our offices in Berlin, Düsseldorf or Munich
Companies that already trust us
Data protection in logistics: Ensure security right from the start with ISiCO
ISiCO’s experts will work with you to develop a comprehensive data protection and IT security strategy and advise you at all levels on how to bring the use of new technologies and the processing of personal data in logistics companies into line with data protection legislation: data protection consulting from planning to market launch. Only if data protection aspects are taken into account at the design stage will it be possible to use new technologies without any problems in the long term. So don’t hesitate to contact us!
Your strategy for the best protection
The basis of every good business relationship is trust. Strengthen the relationship with your customers with our expertise in data protection and information security. This will give your company a strong competitive advantage and allow you to concentrate fully on your business.

Your ISiCO-Expert:
Jacqueline Neiazy
Director Privacy
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