Online training on data protection and information security

Training your employees does not have to be costly or complicated. On the contrary: together with our partner company lawpilots, we convey theoretical regulatory content in a comprehensible and practical manner through innovative, fun online training courses.

Request a free demo today!

Customised data protection training for your company: Security and compliance at all levels!

lawpilots gives you access to more than 40 e-learning courses in over 30 language and country versions – all on the topics of data protection, compliance, occupational health and safety, and information security. Regular training in these areas is essential. It is a way of raising awareness and actively involving employees who participate in corresponding processes. Thanks to the modern online format, you can implement the training flexibly in your everyday work and even access it on the move.

The specially devised e-learnings combine legally sound course material with a mix of interactive examples, gamification, expert interviews, and infographics. Our team of experts at ISiCO were instrumental in developing the training formats. It is not without reason that over 1.5 million employees have already benefited. The training courses have already earned several awards – including the eLearning Award 2021 and 2022.

Would you like to learn more about our online training courses and how you can use them to your company’s advantage? Then feel free to contact us at any time. We will find the right training method for you.

Find out more about lawpilots now!

Your lawpilots advantages:

  • Awareness and training of employees on data protection compliant business practices
  • Professionalisation of all those involved in handling personal data
  • Customised training tailored to the specific needs of your organisation
  • Specific training and expertise for data protection officers and coordinators
  • Training to help you set up your internal data protection organisation
  • GDPR training for managers and other decision makers
  • Knowledge transfer for decision makers on data protection compliant corporate governance
  • Effective and meaningful knowledge transfer through innovative e-learning courses

Companies that already trust us

Invest in your data security now!

Put your trust in our expertise and secure your business for the long term. Our customised training and award-winning e-learning courses are your key to a comprehensive understanding of data protection. Let's work together to ensure your organisation operates securely and compliantly in the digital world. Contact us today for a personalised quote.

Your solution for the best data protection

The basis of every good business relationship is trust. Strengthen the relationship with your customers with our expertise in data protection. This will give your company a strong competitive advantage and allow you to concentrate fully on your business.

Arrange a free introductory appointment

Ihre ISiCO-Expertin für das Thema:
Jacqueline Neiazy
Director Datenschutz

News zum Thema


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